Edge 1 er laget til fagfornyelsen for programfaget Engelsk 1, studieforberedende utdanningsprogram. Læreverket består av både papirbok, digitale støtteressurser og et heldigitalt alternativ.
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Starting the school year
Using Edge 1
When opening the textbook Edge 1, you and your students will meet Using Edge. We recommend that you study these two pages together as a way of getting to know Edge 1.

Starting the school year with Edge 1
Teaching tip by co-author and teacher, Svein Arild Pettersen
Your new textbook, Edge 1, has a specific structure including six key concepts with which your students should familiarize themselves. First, ask them to skim-read Edge Explains: Six Key Concepts, pp. 14-15.

Then, have your students read the introductory article English and Englishes by Andrew Weir.

After reading the article, have your students consider the following:
1. Who is the target audience?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. In what genre would you place the text?
4. What is your assessment/opinion of the content of the text? Is the content relevant for the audience and purpose? Are the main ideas clear and focused? Are they supported by facts and examples from relevant and reliable sources?
5. How is the text structured? Is the structure clear?
6. Does the style of language seem appropriate for this text type?
Ask your students to write a sentence or two for each question, supporting their answers with examples from the text.

Ten tips to make your students reflect on varieties of English
In the new curriculum for English 1 students are expected to be able to
- reflect on varieties of English in some English-speaking countries
- improve language awareness, language-learning strategies and knowledge of the English language as a system
This is the focus in the first chapter of Edge 1 “Varieties of English” and the introductory essay “English and Englishes” by Andrew Weir (NTNU). We suggest you start the year by using it together with Espen Aas’s video and the quiz in task 12 (p. 12) “A tour of different accents across the English-speaking world” to wet your students curiosity as a start.
In addition, here are Kristine Hasund’s (UiA) top ten tips on teaching varieties of English.

“A tour of different accents around the English-speaking world”
Have fun by playing a quiz game, using task 12 (p. 12).

- Pupils form teams of 4-5 players. Each team will need a pen or pencil and plenty of scrap paper.
- Set up the classroom projector with audio so that you can play the YouTube video for everyone to watch and hear. Link: Guess the English Accent! - YouTube
- Decide in advance how many accents the pupils will have to guess. There are 22 in the video, but you can stop after guessing only some of them, if you prefer.
- Decide on the ground rules: Will there be half-points for partial or close answers? There are a few celebrity voices to recognize as well. Will you offer bonus points for identifying them?
- The teacher must be ready to pause the video quickly after each accent is heard. Give the teams enough time to confer on their answers. The left arrow key on your keyboard can be used to skip back a few seconds, in case you want to play a clip for them again.
- Each team must write their answer on a scrap of paper and turn it face down or folded on the desk in front of them. They must not touch it again until you ask them to reveal it.
- Unpause the video to see the correct answer. Then ask each team to reveal what is written on the paper in front of them. Keep a tally of how many correct answers each team has on the whiteboard.
- Proceed in this way until you reach the end of the video or the pupils have guessed the agreed number of accents. Tally up the scores and declare the winning team!
Hvert kapittel i Edge 1 starter med en introduksjonsartikkel. Vi er så heldige at Espen Aas har filmatisert innholdet, og disse filmene kan være en fin introduksjon til arbeidet med artiklene.

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